新しい地平IIIコンサート プログラムノート英語版 (9月9日)


KINOSHITA Masamichi : Terre anonyme/ Oiseau anonyme II
(KASAI Tomoko/percussion, MATSUMURA Takayo/harp)

The title was inspired by the poetry of Edmond Jabès, an Egyptian-born Jewish poet who wrote in French, especially his last work, “The Book of Hospitality”.
Now, about 80% of this piece is made up of quotations from other composer’s works (Jabès’s words often hint at “quotations” as well). They come in three forms: those that are obvious and easy to understand, those that have been modified and are somewhat difficult to hear, and those that are no longer integrated with the structure of the piece and are almost unnoticeable. These activities persist through various “strategies”, sometimes inspiring each other, sometimes nesting inside each other, sometimes feeding on each other, sometimes ignoring each other, and even undergoing unexpected transformations. In the field where the sound is produced, the performer’s unique physicality and spatiality are taken into account, and it emerges as an “anonymous sound field” and is once again promoted as “music”. As a composer, I would be happy if I could hear even the slightest part of the “shadow” in which these sounds were chosen, the slight fluctuations of that part. (KINOSHITA Masamichi)

Justė Janulytė : Harp is a chord
(SUZUKI Masato/harpsichord,OTA Tomomi/accordion)

In this piece two instruments of a very different or even opposite origin and acoustic nature are melted into a monolithic “monochrome” mechanism, as if constructing a utopian instrument with characteristics of the harpsichord and accordion. The idea of such composition came from a play on words, only changing a sequence of letters in an English name of the harpsichord: harpSIchord – harpISchord. “Harp” is being read as an arpeggio (e.g. a technique asking to play chord notes in succession upwards or downwards), while “chord” is perceived as a synchronous entrance of all the chord sounds together. In this piece the two indivisible phases of sound – sound attack and resonance – are being separated in a sense of timbre. The first one is obviously assigned to the harpsichord, which naturally has almost no resonance, and the second one clearly belongs to the accordion, dynamically raising sounds from the silence. By the way, the principle of duality/opposites is expressed also through a special use of double keyboards which both instruments have whilst the diatonic white-keys harmony comes from the “eolian (wind) harp” sound. (Justė Janulytė)

Toshio Hosokawa : Three Love Songs
(Ilse EERENS/sopurano, OISHI Masanori/saxophone, KASAI Tomoko/percussion)

This work was commissioned by the government of France, and is dedicated to its first performers, Mari Kobayashi (voice) and Claude Delangle (saxophone). The text is based on three waka poems of Izumishikibu, a poet of the Imperial Court in the Heian Era.
I. kuraki yori
Oh, Moon on the mountain ridge, shine
your light on one such as me. (Composed when the poet was 16 or 17 years old.)
kuraki michi ni zo irinubeki
haruka ni terase yama no ha no tsuki
-from the Shuishu-
Ever since I was young, I’ve been traveling a dark road.
II. arazaramu
kono yo no hoka no
omoide ni
ima hitotabi no
aukoto mogana -from the Goshuishu-
My illness gets worse, and my life may not be long. memory to take with me to the other side.
III. mono omoeba sawa no hotaru mo
wagami yori akugare izuru tamaka to zo miru
Lost in vague thoughts.
from me?
Four handbells are needed for Part III. To the extent possible, the pitch of each bell should differ slightly, yet it is desirable for the pitch to be nearly the same for all.
Commissioned by
Ministère de la Culture (France)
Fireflies blinking at the water’s edge.
Is that my soul I see stealing away
I want one more meeting with you, one more (Toshio Hosokawa)

新しい地平IIコンサート プログラムノート英語版 (9月9日)


Noriko Miura : Fall
(OISHI Masanori/saxophone)

The piece’s title, “Fall” which has the meaning of “falling” “fallen leaves” or “autumn” is taken from a poem by Ryuichi Tamura. Mr. Tamura tells us that just as the leaves of a tree fall to the soil and eventually return to the color of the soil, our souls should also fall toward the horizon at night, trembling in the sunset. A world of sleep where all living things fall. Due to the providence of nature, which humans cannot fathom, the leaves of the trees suddenly fall.
This work is composed of repetitions and combinations of fragmentary motifs representing the swaying of leaves (or the trembling of our souls), dancing, falling, sleep, etc., but it is random and improvised. When I suddenly looked around, I saw that the soil had turned to asphalt, and the leaves of the trees had lost their soil and turned into garbage. So, in modern times, does the world of sleep that Tamura speaks of to which we should return really exist? (Noriko Miura)

Andrzej Karałow : Florenscene
(HOKAMURA Risa/violin, MIZUNO Yuya/cello, YAMAMOTO Junko/piano)

Florescence was created in 2018 for the LABO workshops in Montreal, during which the premiere also took place. The narrative of the composition develops organically, i.e. its entire musical structure grows from the source – the initial sounds, one idea, naturally, like a plant. The structure is based on aleatoric segments but governed by specific rules. Individual parts/instruments, approached linearly, constitute uniform sonoristic and melodic structures. In order to create a coherent sound ‘organism,’ it is important to integrate them in a colour context based on a synesthetic system of pitch. The formal – but also based on synesthetic associations – draft of the composition was created in the form of a digital artwork. (Andrzej Karałow)




 初日は、二人の作曲家による「自作を語る」。一人目は、日本の作曲家、坂田直樹さん。日本とフランス、両国で学ばれたご経験からそれぞれ何を得て、それらがご自身の音楽とどのように結びついているかについて丁寧にお話し下さいました。また、近作のオーケストラ作品を取り上げ、オーケストレーションの方法や、その中における楽器法の拡張についてフォーカスした内容となりました。    二人目は、セルビア出身、ドイツを現在の拠点としている作曲家のフリスティナ・スザクさん。作品のユニークな音響が一瞬で受講生の耳を啓きました。具体的な過去の作曲家の作品を例にとり、それらがご自身の創作とどのように関連しているか分かりやすくお話し下さいました。「始源の音」を彷彿とさせる作品群は、プリミティブな魅力に溢れているのだけれど、一方ではとても知的でそのアンバランスさが魅力的な方です。









まずは、この音楽祭の音楽監督である細川俊夫さんの、ギターソロによる編曲集「日本のうた」の日本初演でした。 我々日本人ならばほぼ誰もが知っている、12のうたが、ギターの演奏技巧を駆使しつつもそれがあまり表に出ずに、音楽そのものをぐっと引き立てることに徹した素晴らしい編曲と、それを真摯に、丁寧に音、音楽として紡いでいくジェイコブ・ケラーマンさん(「今日の演奏会でわたしだけがこれらの曲を知らない」と仰られていたようですが)のギター演奏は、とても感動的でした。 細川さんはお話で「(使い古された)骨董品を磨くように」と仰っておられましたが、その試みは十分に成功し、懐かしくも新しい音の世界が生まれました。


転換を挟んで、次はリヒャルト・シュトラウスの「4つの最後の歌」が、イルゼさんのソプラノと北村朋幹さんのピアノで演奏されました。R.シュトラウスの「4つの最後の歌」は、作曲者最晩年の作品ですが、彼らしい色彩感あふれる音楽の中に、そこはかとなく漂う寂寥感や、人生の肯定と死の影がないまぜになった淡い光が立ち込めています。また晩年の巨匠らしい簡潔さもあります。イルゼさんは、満ち引きを繰り返す潮のように、うねりと輝きのある声の様々な表情を巧みに操り、広がりある歌を歌っていきます。北村さんの一切音に濁りのないピアノは、品位を保ちつつ歌と対等に対峙して、R.シュトラウスの書いた音符の意味を描き出していきます。 そして、終曲のまさに最後に、ピアノだけ残ってどこまでも沈黙に向かって進んでいく(もちろんそこには歌の残り香があります)ところなど、まさに彼岸の世界を垣間見るようでした。

休憩の後は、ショスタコーヴィチのこれまた最晩年の作品「ヴィオラソナタ Op.147」が、ルオシャ・ファンさんのヴィオラと、北村さんのピアノで演奏されました。 この曲には、ベートーベンの「月光」を始めとする多くの引用があります。それを色々推測するのも楽しい聴き方なのですが、今回の演奏ではそういうことよりも、まず書かれた音を演奏として如何に彫琢するか、その究極的な姿を見たように思いました。 北村さんは「虚無」を表現できる稀有な音楽家の一人だと思います。ここでの「虚無」とは、単にからっぽ、という意味ではなく、喜怒哀楽を始めとする様々な感情や、禍々しいもの、恐怖を覚えるもの、また至福の世界を見せるもの、の源泉、原型となるような、何か、です。ショスタコービッチの晩年の音楽は、切り詰めたギリギリの音の動きによって、そういった「虚無」の世界に近づいていると思うときがあります。北村さんはそれを自分の音として丁寧になぞり、そこで表情豊かで時に厳しい造形を持つルオシャさんのヴィオラが自在に歌います。極めて純粋な音楽の姿を引き出したこの演奏は、まさに画期的なものだと思いました。

新しい地平Iコンサート プログラムノート英語版 (9月8日)


Nana Kamiyama : Mirage over the ancient forest under the sea
(HEMMI Yasutaka/violin, MATSUMURA Takayo/harp)

About 90 kilometers from my workplace in Kanazawa, I drove towards the Sea of Japan. It’s said that in the bay where I arrived lies a primeval forest from two thousand years ago, deep beneath the sea floor. The twisted tree roots remain, perhaps now serving as beds for deep-sea fish. Separated by the surface of the sea, it’s said that one can see a mirage, with the elongated shapes of a city towering high. Alone, I stood on the bright sandy beach, reminiscing about stories of firefly squids washing ashore. On moonless nights, the dark beach is said to glow pale blue. I’ve always wanted to witness such a scene, but I didn’t have much time left. As I was about to leave the beach, a gleaming fragment containing luminous minerals caught my eye. “Ah, a shard of jade,” I intuitively thought. Drawing close and picking it up, I held it up to the sun to examine the crystals and noticed a mirage appearing in my line of sight. A beautiful scene, it was an illusion. The once vast beech forest; echoes of life. At the ends of those tree branches, birds were singing. Wait, was I once such a bird? Do you still remember such distant memories, I wonder? (Nana Kamiyama)

Isamu Kanai : FIELD
(YAMAMOTO Junko/piano)

The title is borrowed from the trend in abstract painting known as “Color Field Painting,” which involves creating a “field” of colors on a large canvas. I feel that the piano is a “Gigantic Resonator”. In my imagination, the depth of sound emitted by piano intersects with the expansiveness expressed through colors. These shared elements inspired me to explore the emergence of a new “FIELD” of sound. (Isamu Kanai)

Hristina Šušak : Affectus I
(UEDA Nozomi/clarinet, HEMMI Yasutaka/violin)

In Affectus I as well as in other Affectus pieces (Affectus I, II, III and IV) I use very reduced spectrum of music material; in fact, only two kind of sound: downward glissando and percussive element. These two I combine in an unpredictable way, using contrasts in dynamics and length, like an affectus. I also try to gain some kind of homogeneity (as well as in my music in general) for example, using the same kind of sound in both instruments simultaneously, adjusting their playing techniques, but with complementary rhythm – what creates some form of what I call sound mass in the end effect. (Hristina Šušak)

Naoki Sakata : Candela
(UEDA Nozomi/clarinet)

The title “Candela” is a unit of luminous intensity. As the title suggests, the work is colored with various images of light, from a flashing sound in high register to a obscure effect by delicate multiphonics. The word “candela” is derived from the word “candle,” and the music also projects figures related to fire. For example, the piece makes extensive use of sound materials with “continuous and rapid sound fluctuations,” such as trills and frequency beat by multiphonics, which evoke the flickering of fire. The work is composed of three parts: fast, slow, and fast. In the first part, a variety of movements are derived from a fire-tip-like sound pattern that repeatedly rises, and irregular textures are woven together. Second part is based on delicate sounds such as the weak mulciphonics. Third part is composed with dynamic texture. Here, double trills with special fingerings create a sound image like a glowing flame. (Naoki Sakata)

Hinako Takagi : Reflection of Heaven
(SUZUKI Tosiya/recorder, TAJIMA Tadashi/shakuhachi)

The term “heaven’s reflection” is used by Yoshikawa to express the connection between the order of the world and one’s own existence in the collection of conversations between philosopher Keiji Nishitani and Chinese literary scholar Kojiro Yoshikawa, “This Eternal Thing.” It is something. Even in the midst of modern science and the rapidly changing order of things, we feel a deep connection with heaven. Or, there are quite a few situations where you want it. What kind of reflection does the modern order have on us today? I composed this piece while thinking about the relationship between heaven and humans that has continued since ancient times, and its changes. (Hinako Takagi)